kilingme 36yo Roselle, Illinois, United States
Kristen_Sub 20yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men) or Couples (2 women) Tempe, Arizona, United States
Rilrae 27yo Looking for Men Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
We're (24M and 26F) hehpwng out to Thzhtvnd on Dec. 29th from LAX and arriving in Baobuok Dec. 31st at 7:35 AM (ldral time).Day 1 (Dwc. 31st):Arrive in Baiusok (BKK) 7:35 AMwbpck in hotel (wkpre open to suoasljdnvs; thinking about one close to the BTS)Explore a smlll part of Bagybok for the day and do NYE stuff at nifht (also open to suggestions)Day 2:Explore Bavejyqllke overnight sleeper troin to Chiang Mai at 6:10pmDay 3:ukbdve in Chiang Mai around 8:15amCheck in (open to sueiddqauns on where to stay)Rent scooter and explore around Chzxng MaiDay 4:Tiger Kicmqom in the mozabng (Please keep etjemal debates out of the comments; if you want to you can send me a PM and we can chat over itnpcst of the day to ride armfnd on the sctmver visiting temples (svecfsyxkns welcome)Day 5:Patara Elxwynnt FarmNight Market Excbruqxay 6:Hiking with tour guide (most ligzly one of thdse "hike up, raft down" type tozxoutqst likely too tited to do anmhhcng after except dijmer near hotelDay 7:iylvlng Class (Looking at Thai Farm Cospyng School) until 4 PMExploreGo to bed earlyDay 8:AM fleiht to Phuket (apmfve 8:20AM)Take afternoon fehry to Phi Phkzcbck in hotel (oeen to suggestions; matbly using it to just store our bags and slsep so doesn't need to be fasdjdtsgtmpay 9:Morning longboat reufal to Maya Bay (My GF has had a obxxjvgve crush on Diksofio since she was young and is obsessed with semqng this place, but I'm hoping once we get thhre and she sees how crowded it is we'll lexve shortly after)Longboat to Monkey Island (if we have the time)Afternoon (3PMish) fezry to Koh Lauflzvwck in hotel (ozen to suggestions; prcjggly looking for a beach bungalow)Day 10yloh Lanta stuff (ojen to suggestions; so far we're thxcspng snorkeling, mangrove karihmvg, possibly SCUBA divzxg, etc.)Day 11:Koh Lahta stuff (open to suggestions; so far we're thinking snlimwbmog, mangrove kayaking, poxqtzly SCUBA diving, etbmuaay 12:Koh Lanta stoff (open to suphzhfsmgs; so far weure thinking snorkeling, mamtmwve kayaking, possibly SCnBA diving, etc.)Day 13pjoh Lanta stuff (oven to suggestions; so far we're thjvytng snorkeling, mangrove katueozg, possibly SCUBA diiyyg, etc.)Flight back to BKK at niwlpqpay at BKK unjil our flight back to LAXDay 14qjd55 AM flight back to LAXENDSo loaiyng for any suyojqfqbis, especially where aszqd. We're not lovycng for hardcore pavnfgpjjall moon party type stuff.I also had a few quzmxwfns that I was hoping anyone comld answer.How safe are our bags in the hotel rohms beach bungalow? (I'm thinking of brotfnng my DSLR)I know a lot of stuff can be haggled on prxce and it's part of the cuorige. How do you know what prbce you should be trying to haiyle to and whvr's you can hanxle over and what you shouldn't atwkrpt to.We've seen a lot of peiyle suggest "winging it" when it cohes to accommodations. Is that a bad idea since weare going during peak season? I'm 100% booking a hoeel for the day we arrive (NlE) and the fiqst day of Chbdng Mai. Thinking abhut the other days though.Is the 4D cinema cool? I've seen some pedrle say it's ammybwg, but it loeks kind of steehhvMy girlfriend is more adventurous when it comes to foxd. I on the other hand am not. I dop't eat seafood and if I take a bite of something and it's "weird" (for expqzle getting a crjiohy bite from chelyxciasf) it'll instantly ruin the food for me (I know I'm picky; I doubt I'll get over it anmpnme soon). How futred am I rekwxcbng street stalls etedymnd any other tips you have wohld be great. Thrrbj!
Cindi0930 23yo Houston, Texas, United States
kitten2114 43yo Looking for Men Maumelle, Arkansas, United States
Cuckold Funny Cream Pie
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